Tissue Samples Currently Available
Tissue samples currently available in the Tissue bank
The Auckland Regional Tissue Bank currently holds approximately 31,000 specimens that are available for future unspecified research.
The specimens vary in diseases that includes malignant, non-malignant, Acute Myeloid Leukaemia, serous ovarian carcinoma and chronic tonsillitis.
A range of tissue such as solid tissue, blood-, and bone marrow- derived specimens are collected and stored.
Aliquots of whole blood (1 mL), serum (1.5 mL), plasma (4 mL), and buffy coats (1 mL) are obtained from 12 mL of whole blood.
Bone marrow samples are obtained from participants with haematological conditions which are processed into cell pellet or DMSO-cryopreserved (1 mL) samples.
Solid tissue are available in fresh frozen surgical tissue and/or formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) blocks, and range from malignant or benign tumours to normal or non-malignant diseased tissue.
Available excess tissue from consented participants can be requested for use in future unspecified research in the form of FFPE blocks.